Wednesday, January 16, 2008


I have never been one to talk politics. There are so many politicians out there with so many views and opinions, I tend to get lost in it all. In the past, I never knew much about the candidates that I voted for (I know, shame shame), and therefore pretty much just voted a straight ticket to avoid confusion. However, the Michigan Primary was yesterday, and I decided that I needed to be a little more proactive with my choice (understanding that it is really important that I make a more educated decision). Yet, with so many candidates for 2008, how was I to find a candidate that I deemed most appropriate for the job? With all the media, I hear so little about the actual issues, and more about their personality and issues with each other.

Well, our local news station provided a link for a website that helps you pick a candidate! You answer a few questions, and they find a candidate that best suites you (based on the issues you deem most important, and how you feel about them). My hubby and I found it very interesting, if not for the candidate that it chose for us, just a topic of conversation on how we really feel about certain issues (or what some even mean).

Here's the link, if you want to take a stab at it:


  1. Great link! Thanks for sharing. This was definitely enlightening - our primary is February 5 and I will definitely be casting my vote.

  2. Very cool - thanks for posting this. I've been keeping up with things lately, so I'm just waiting to see if my candidate makes it to the general election. But it was interesting to see what this picked for me...

  3. I'll have to check it out because I am like you...not really political.

  4. I am sooo not into politics. I feel like they are all saying what they want-- thanks for the link-- I will have to read more later!!
