Thursday, January 31, 2008

February, the New January

Okay, remember all those New Year's resolutions that we were ready to try come the beginning of the year. Riiightt....well, I didn't exactly stick to mine. In fact, I didn't even make it a week!And kudos to many of you who have stuck to yours. I have read many a blog that testifies of the organization, bible reading, and weight loss that you have kept up with in the New Year. I admire your ambition and persistance. Anyway, I have not been so ambitious. So much for losing weight in time for the hub's "Christmas" party (they always do their holiday party after the New Year - I think it's cheaper to rent a hall that way :). So much for getting organized during the long cold month. And so much for beginning to read the Bible in chronological order.

Now, I know what you are thinking, it's not too late! And you are right, it's not. In fact I have had so many inspirational sermon's/bible studies as of late that I want to continue to try my hardest to reach some of those goals. But I think I made too many to make them all obtainable. I have to remember baby steps help you achieve a goal. I also had a suggestion from a friend of mine in Bible Study. She suggested making a prayer journal. Now that really wasn't one of my goals, but I think keeping up with a prayer journal will help me keep some of my goals.

So, come Feb. 1 I am getting up in the morning, going for my morning jog (okay, more of a walk), and then start the day by being still in prayer. It's really a neat journal. She had me write 7 headlines (ex: forgiveness, praise, personal needs, national needs, ect.) and then each day, under those headlines, I pray for something different (ex: Monday-forgive/my anger, Praise/a song, Personal Needs/hubs health & safety, National Needs/president). That way, when I open my prayer journal, I know exactly what to pray for (and add urgent prayer needs beyond that). I'm excited and hopeful to begin my days in such a positive way. And if I stray, that's okay, because I can just pick up the next day and start anew.


  1. That positive attitude looks good on you!

  2. What a wonderful idea! I've always had a hard time keeping up with prayer journals, but I like how you are going to organize it - it seems less daunting!

  3. This is so great. I really look forward to your future entries!

  4. Oh, and I love the structured prayer journal, would like to hear more about that!!

  5. Oh, I can relate to this. Something about turning the calendar to January made me want to overhaul every aspect of my life. I've managed to keep up with one, and hope to work on others throughout the year... March is the new January... April is the new January... etc!

  6. way to go!! The weekends always trip me off-- I work best on a schedule! Can't wait to hear how it's going!!
