Thursday, January 24, 2008

Don't Always Believe a 3 Year Old

Last week after dance class, we picked up Kyra, and asked her how her class went. She said, "pretty good," which is pretty much her response to everything unless the event left a really great impression (I'm already having visions of short lived conversations after school in the near future). Anyhow, although she rarely likes to elaberate on her experience at dance class, I usually see her talking up a storm to her teacher in class (hence, not always paying attention to the steps that could make her an aspiring dancer some day :) So, when I asked her if she listened to her teacher today, it came as no surprise for her to say, "not really." However, she then said, "Mommy I was a bit naughty. Mia and I weren't listening and broke something." Oh great I thought, my child hasn't even gone to school yet and she is already a potential principal office child! I did however, admire her honesty. When asked what she broke, she couldn't remember, and repeatedly apologized for her actions. I told her that we would have to talk to her teacher, and she would have to apologize to the teacher. She went to bed that evening without any dessert (we don't typically have dessert anyway, but that night she asked for it, and we said no), and I just reitterated how important it was to obey and listen to her teacher. A very sad (and honestly, tearful) Kyra went to bed.

Now fast forward to a week later. We were on our way to dance class again, and before I even brought up the incident again, Kyra told me that first thing, she was going to apologize to her teacher. I was quite impressed that she remembered, because I frankly had forgotten about the whole ordeal. She marched right in to the class, and said she was sorry to the teacher. The teacher however looked quite confused. I then took her aside and said that she was sorry for breaking whatever she broke, and I would like to replace the item. The teacher then smiled, and said Kyra didn't break anything. She said they giggled and got sidetracked a few times (like any normal 3 year old would), but that she was fine! Oh my goodness, did I feel like a dipwad. I had repremanded my poor little daughter, for a tall tale she made up. I guess from now on I will know to talk to the teacher before I trust a 3 year old's story. To think Kyra took the heat for something she didn't even do (and sacrificed her fudgecicle for it too). Needless to say, my guilt stepped in, and she got 2 cookies after dance.


  1. We've all been there! I've punished Ruthie after she said she took a toy from her sister and later find out that her sister was setting her up for a fall (offering the toy to her and then whining/crying when Ruthie accepted it). I guess in one way it teaches them to tell the truth! :)

  2. Sittintall - didn't have your e-mail address to reply to your comment, but if you ever wanted to meet at the CM and let the kids play together, I think that would be fun. You know, public place, so if we turn out to be crazies, you're not in too much danger. LOL! I know that Shortstop just got a membership too - so once little Lincoln is "public-ready" we could all go. Just a thought!

  3. Aww...When I was young and we got punished for something that ended up we didn't do, my dad said that it was for "general purposes!" You know, for the next time we were was bound to happen!

  4. Oh my goodness. Kids say the darndest things. That is a tough one - what is a mom to do? YOu handled it well!
