Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Tiny Talk Tuesday

The little ones are hammin it up this week, here's some of the comments they've made:

While sitting in line for the Star*bucks drive thru:
Kyra: Momma, what kind of coffee are you going to get?
Mom: I'm going to get the hot kind (the thing is that she likes the frapuccino's that dad gets, so I try to steer clear).
Kyra: I think I'll have some if they put M&M's in it!
(yes, I'm sure you would - and probably so would I)

While running errands:
Kyra: (cough, cough) Don't worry momma, I'm okay. I'm not sick, I just have a skunk in my throat.
Mom: (not even trying not to laugh) Kyra, don't you mean FROG?
Kyra: Oh, yeah, yeah. I'm not sick though, just a frog in my throat.

While sitting at the dinner table:
Mom: Kyra, would you like a potato?
Kyra: Absotootly!

While roleplaying with a riding toy:
Kyra: Mom, we have to take the caterpillar to the car doctor quick.
Mom: Babe, cars don't go to the doctor, they go to a mechanic when something is broken.
Kyra: Okay, we need to take it to the place you just said.
Mom: (after heading to the coffee table) What seems to be the problem?
Kyra: The wheel is a little crunchy.
(now how do you fix a crunchy wheel?)

If you want to read more tiny talk, just visit Mary's.


  1. These were cute! I had to scale back on the Starbucks drive through once she started saying my order before I got to the speaker. My hubs usually gets the frap. and she loves that. Coffee, not so much, which is what I get.

  2. Ha! Yes, M&Ms definitely makes ANYTHING worth eating (or drinking?) right? Too funny! Could she be taking after her chocolate-loving mamma? Hmmmm.... (;

  3. Anna loves it when I get a decaf mocha - she'll actually drink it if I let her. It's hard to believe that! Of course, Mocha's are heaven on earth, so why wouldn't she like it! BTW, loved the skunk in the throat story!

  4. These are absotootly adorable! I love 'em. She is such a cutie pie.

    I bet my 3 year old would take a Starbucks drink if it had M's in it too!

    Happy TTT!
