Saturday, March 15, 2008


My Grandpa is not long for this world. His heart grows weary, and he longs to be close to his Heavenly Father above. As his time comes closer to the end, I have been searching through the depths of my brain for memories and pictures I hold of him. My grandparents always lived far away, and therefore in the past 15 years or so I haven't seen a whole lot of him, but I do hold some very fond memories of trips and vacations we've had. He is a great man who has led a very fulfilling life. He is full of compassion, love for his wife and family, ambition in life, and overall passion for God. I love him very much, and am pleased he will finally be able to meet his Maker. If I could be there with him right now, I would say:

I am so thankful that you raised your family to know the Lord, Our Savior. I am grateful for all the years you traveled to Michigan in the summer so we could spend a week of unadulterated time together. Those trips to Maranatha will last in my heart forever, and I will always hold a special place in my heart for it. I remember fondly of the time you allowed me to travel all by myself to Georgia with you (no siblings, just me and grandma and grandpa time). I had two weeks of you all by myself. You let me stay up late to watch Nick @ Nite movies, eat popcorn, and get spoiled by all the Great Auntie's. Best of all, I got to camp in the big trailer at Kentucky State Park and watch all the beautiful horses in all their glory. I was fortunate enough to get two whole weeks of your undivided attention, which was a very special treat for me. I have great memories of climbing Stone Mountain with you, and hunting for Easter Eggs at the old blue house. Later in life, I had fond memories of you bringing my sister and I up to your special office in the attic. We got a peek into some old photos and love letters passed back and forth to you and Grandma. I pictured the great love that was passed back and forth through those letters sent during the war. And you showed me how that love has surpassed many difficult stages in life and still survived. I loved hearing the stories of your days on the farm in Michigan, and your advice on how to stay financially afloat. I enjoyed introducing you to my husband, who shared your passion for John Deers, and farming. And I even loved hearing how proud you were to be the oldest employee for Carmax. You are dearly loved Grandpa, and I will forever remember you as a man of few words, quiet chuckle, yet grand heart. I pray that God gives you peace as you embark on this next journey.

Love, Sarah

"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God" -2 Cor. 3-4


  1. Oh, Sarah-

    You're tearing me up, girl. What a beautiful letter. Is there some way he can receive it or have it read to him?

    I hope so.

  2. Wow, what a touching & heart felt letter. This is a treasure...

  3. Sarah, this is amazing. You have captured his memory in this dear letter. I, too, wish I knew him more after reading this. What a sweet idea and grand way to remember him.

  4. Girl-- I feel your pain-- you know my grandpa has been intensely struggling for life for over a week- he passed away this morning. My heart aches. I know he is rejoicing with God in heaven- but in the meantime I am weeping our loss here. I pray someone is able to read this letter to your grandpa so he knows what an amazing job he did with his family and his life!

  5. Oh Sarah, that was so sweet. Thank you for sharing such a personal part of your family and your heart.
