Sunday, November 11, 2007

We Aren't Losers!

Today we visited a new church that met at an elementary school. We have been church "shopping" for a few months now, and it is starting to wear on us. While, I feel it is a good time to search for a church (before the kids are too established in education classes and have developed friendships), it is hard to leave the familiar people we know and not have a place to call home (especially during the upcoming holiday season). Anyway, after visiting around 6 churches, and not feeling like any of them were a good fit, I asked my hubby to humor me for one more Sunday, and then we would attend our regular church for the advent season.

We had a wonderful experience. I was invited by one of the people in my bible study, so she of course found me and introduced us to several people, but so many others welcomed us too. It was a very friendly church. But on top of that, the Pastor was amazing! He had such an incredible sermon, that really hit home (and such a great sense of humor too).

The pastor asked how many of us defines our Christian walk as being inadequate? Sad to say, but he said most of the Christians I know would define themselves as insufficient. Either, we have a terrible prayer life, don't read the Bible often enough, or aren't confident enough in our ability to spread the gospel. We need to stop focusing on our deficiencies and focus on God's sufficiency! Afterall, when spreading the gospel, we aren't being put to a test if we fail to bring a person to Christ, it is a GOD thing. He is the one that plants the seed, we are just there to feed it. God picked insufficient people in a sense to do His work. There is no failing for us, (we aren't losers -the pastor said!) we can only feed the fire.

Now this may be an obvious lesson for some, but it was a great reminder to my husband and I. We both felt so rejuvinated by it. We aren't sure if this will be the church for us or not (still a lot of praying to do), but we definitely felt God's spirit there and enjoyed the fellowship.


  1. Yay! So glad to hear that you had a good experience this time. That's wonderful and very encouraging :) What church was that?

  2. That's awesome, Sarah. Such good reminders! BTW, can you tell me where you visited? Just curious. We used to attend a church that met at an elementary school. (not far from where we both live!)

  3. What a great story! Thanks for sharing your weekend blessing and for passing along the wisdom of the sermon. I needed that!

  4. We just recently finished trying to find a new church home. We'd be traveling about 40min. each way to church & realized as the kids got older & wanted to be apart of things that it might not be fun to drive that far! We have found a wonderful church just moments from our home, so I pray too that you find the place the Lord wants you to be at.

  5. That's great! Sounds like a great fit.

    p.s. - I totally get where you're coming from in scaling back on the ol' computer.

  6. I am so glad you had a good experience this time!! Hope you feel better!

  7. I'm so glad to hear that you have found a good option for your family! It's a difficult thing to feel like you don't belong anywhere. Oh BTW-you are definitely NOT losers!! Love you!

  8. Hi Sarah!
    I love reading your blog...Keeping up on your life with Kevin and the girls, even though we don't personally catch-up much anymore...
    I am also church-shopping right now...Long story...So, I've visited a couple churches so far...A few more to check out...What church did you write this blog about? Sounds great! Hope you're doing well and had a lovely Thanksgiving holiday...Keep in touch!

    ~Amy Cook
