Thursday, November 1, 2007

Sick or Treat

How do you your tell your child that she can't go trick or treating after weeks of costume prep and reminiscing of the year before? Yes, Kyra was very much looking forward to trick or treating with her friend this year, but we found out she had pink eye. She didn't look that bad on Monday, but by Wednesday, she looked miserable and the pink eye moved to her other eye. We had hoped for eye drops earlier in the week, but apparently doctor's office doesn't prescribe that very much unless absolutely needed (apparently warm compresses are enough). Unfortunately, she had bacterial pink eye and needed the drops. I asked the nurse, but what about trick or treating (not wanting to disappoint my daughter, like I was punishing her because she was sick)? But the nurse said, as long as she was holding her bag, and not touching people, she should be okay. We literally had not made a decision of whether or not to go out, until 5 minutes before we headed out the door. Maybe it wasn't the wisest parental decision, but I didn't want to disappoint the kiddo. So, we hit a few houses, and wouldn't you believe it, it rained the entire time we were out! So, maybe that won't be the most memorable Halloween ever (or maybe it will be), but we went. Afterall, Katie enjoyed every moment, and shook her bag after every house. How quickly they learn. She pleaded with me to go to another house, by saying "peas" and pointing to the next house, but we headed home. Kyra pretty much was a zombie by the time we got home (which is what she probably should have been for Halloween anyway, since she looked more like that than an M&M). Maybe she could have been a raccoon! Anyway, she hit the sack as soon as we came back in and fortunately she looks much better today. My treat will just be having the kids get better!


  1. Yep...wasn't the rain great? We actually got in about a 1/2 hour before the rain started. That was about the limit with the boys anyway.

    Hope Kyra's better soon!!

  2. Wow...what a good mama you are. I hate telling explaining to them what "sick" means...I hope she feels better!

  3. Ah, poor little thing! She looks so bright and happy in the first pic - a cute little M&M! Sad to hear that it rained too. Ugh. Sounds like you had a few things going against you last night.

    I love hearing about Katie's reaction to the whole thing - sounds like she's sold on the whole trick-or-treating deal! She's pretty smart!

  4. Oh dear, what a week! I hope that Kyra feels better soon! I love that Katie was shaking her bag for more! What cute costumes, too!

  5. Ohhhhh... poor muffin! What a bummer. Surely sister shared.

  6. That's too bad! But the girls sure looked cute!!

    How is Kyra feeling now? Did she have fun, in spite of not feeling well?
    I'm glad to hear that Katie had such a good time!

    Becca didn't like the windy rain either.

  7. How cute they look in their little costumes. Oh, I hate pink eye...goodness knows we've had it plenty in our home & I've even had it a couple times & it's just a hassle. I hope she's feeling better now though. YOu have some cute girls!

  8. Oh, so sorry to hear it. Poor dear - looks like she had fun though.
