Saturday, July 21, 2007

Girls Night Out

Well, thank goodness for girlfriends, because without the pick me up of a girls night out I might have had nothing positive to say for the day. It wasn't that I had an awful day, but I was just struggling to find something positive and thus staying true to my goal in blogging (that being finding positive things in my life throughout daily living). The kids were tired most of the day, so were a bit whiny, my husband was tired from working all week (after having 2 weeks off from vacation), and I was drawing a blank as to what to write. However a girlfriend of mine was having a baby shower, so my husband graciously took the kids for the night while I went out. And it was great. I saw a few people I hadn't seen in awhile, had good conversation, and best of all laughed a TON. Of course whenever I go out with my friend Tracie, she's always good for a guaranteed laugh. She just has a great sense of humor. So thank you Tracie and girlfriends all over. Although, we may not see each other all the time, your encouraging words, empathy, and laughter is always welcomed and needed to make it through life. Love you lots.


  1. Girlfriends are the best! Evenings out with them are SO needed! So glad you had a great time! :) (And, maybe we did see each other!!)

  2. Yay for girlfriends! Good to hear you got some quality "woman" time in last night! (:

  3. So true! I'm always up for a night out and the girls are always the right answer for the daily downs!
