Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The Fair

When I told my almost 3 year old we were going to the fair tonight, she squealed with delight (evidently when we went last year, it left a big impression). Who can beat fair rides, elephant ears, music, and of course smelly animals? Anyway, it was great fun. First they had a circus with lions, tigers, and....elephants (no, not bears). Kyra was most impressed by the elephant and the 4 year old in the sparkly outfit who got to ride the elephant! Then she went on some rides, which to my amazement she actually went on the Ferris Wheel and kiddy roller coaster (for those of you who don't know, Kyra is a rather timid child). She even loved the dragon coaster and had to explain what it was like by twisting her body back and forth and making dips with her hands (quite cute). We shared 2 rootbeer floats, of which both children drank the majority, and then headed to see some animals. Although, frightened at first, Katie (16 mo old) had fun racing back and forth to the baby goats and cows. She moo'd to their face quite loudly as if frustrated that they weren't responding to her (laughter kept flowing). Ahh, what fun to see the awe on children's faces as they experience new and exciting things.


  1. This looks like so much fun! Root beer floats...they're my favorite! :)

  2. Sounds like a great time! It is fun to see them discovering new things!
