Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Tiny Talk Tuesday

Over this past week, the girls have said some extremely cute things. However, like usual I didn't write them down, therefore missing so many of the documentary worthy quotes after Andrew was born. Here are a few I did remember:

While sitting at the dinner table:
Grandma: I think Andrew is just so cute!
Kyra: Grandma, you want to know what I think? I think he looks expensive.
(I think she is just trying out her larger vocabulary, but she wasn't far off the mark!)

While holding Andrew:
Kyra: I think he loves me very much.
(Kyra has been quite smitten with this new little guy, and if we let her, would hold him for hours at a time.)

While holding the baby:
Katie: Mommy, I want you to feed him with that thingy again.
(Oh yeah, the joys of having two girls invading your space while nursing. Not much chance for privacy this time around. These girls are quite curious.)

While sitting on the couch:
Kyra: Mom?
Mom: Yes?
Kyra: If you drink lots of milk, then does it go down your throat, and into your tummy and then out of your bo*ob?
(yeah, something like that. Wow, she is creative.)

It is fun to see Kyra ask so many questions. She asked things from how the IV gave me hydration to questions about the umbilical cord. She is such an inquisitive little girl.

If you'd like to read more tiny talk, visit Mary's!


  1. Looks like you'll have lots of *help* and input with this new baby! :)

  2. Oh I love all the sweet comments about the new baby! The "expensive" one cracked me up.

    Big sisters are awesome! I always wondered how D would survive three mommies, but he did. Now C has to also. Looks like your Andrew will have the same experience :)

  3. This is the first time I have looked at your blog and am SOOOO excited to be able to see so many pictures of your new little guy already! He is absolutely ADORABLE Sarah! Your girls are pretty darned adorable too hearing how they have been acting and talking about their new baby. What a precious little blessing you have there. Congratulations again! :)
