Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Tiny Talk Tuesday

We just went to Chicago for the weekend to visit my parents. However, for the first time the girls went downtown to experience the city life. I'd have to say their favorite part was the train. Katie was absolutely enamored with it. They loved listening to the conductor list off the stops and counted down the stations before we met our arrival. It was so fun to see them enjoy a new experience. And Katie said some very funny things. Unfortunately, I didn't have any paper with me and forgot most of them (with the exception of one).

While sitting on Grandma's lap, she piered out then window enjoying the sites of the city. Suddenly she looked around the train and asked Grandma, "Who's driving the train?" I love it. And am noticing how observent she can be. I only wish I could share some pictures.

If you want to read more tiny talk, just visit Mary's.


  1. Good thought! I love when I get to see something they "don't know" that I would not have thought about!

    Sounds like a fun trip!

    Hope you are feeling well!

  2. I remember when the girls first saw Chicago -- they LOVED the train and the tall buildings, but the part they *still* talk about is swimming at the hotel pool. LOL. You just never know what will hold their attn.
