Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Tiny Talk Tuesday

Not much to add for the week. Either my kids aren't that funny anymore or I'm forgetting the funny things they say (pretty sure it's the latter). I had to chuckle at this one conversation though that demonstrates a difference in the girls' personalities.

In the car going down the highway:
Kyra: Are we going fast?
Mom: Yes, we're going faster, but you can go faster on the highway.
Kyra: Are you being careful not to hit the other drivers?
Mom: Yes Kyra, I'm being careful (that's my cautious girl for ya).
Kyra: You also have to be careful not to hit the bigger puddles. You know that right?
Mom: Yes Kyra, I know.
Katie: GO Mommy, GO.....GO Mommy, GO!
(I guess I know which one to be worried about during drivers training)

If you want to read more Tiny Talk just visit Mary's.


  1. That's for sure...I had a little boy who was always telling me "go faster". Now he is 18 and has had 4 speeding tickets in a span of about 14 months!!

    They sound like cuties!!

  2. She sounds just like my older daughter. LOL! gotta love it.

    Happy TTT!

  3. LOL. Leave it to the younger one to be carefree!
