Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Happy Birthday Kyra

Kyra is 4 years old today! We actually celebrated her birthday over the weekend so family could join in on the festivities, but today is her day. I remember last year she was so disappointed her birthday was over that she began planning her next birthday and kept asking when it would be. Thankfully those little ones have short term memory, and she soon forgot to ask me on a daily basis, but now the day arrived. We had a small party with the hub's side of the family and celebrated with her choice of dinner....CORN! When I asked her what she would like with the corn, she replied "nothing else, just corn." She is my husband's daughter! So we had corn, of course we did elaborate a little. I didn't think the rest of the family would be satisfied with a single item for dinner. For dessert we had a Hello K.itty cake (that seems to be her favorite character these days). And of course she had her gifts. I think her favorite gift was a little glass beaded bracelet. The hardest part of the evening was consoling Katie who didn't understand why she didn't receive any presents. She went as far to even try and take her sister's birthday cards away. I had to resurrect Katie's old birthday cards just to appease her for the moment.
All in all it was a great evening filled with smiles and laughter. And tonight we will celebrate again by taking her out sans sister to dinner and a movie (her first!).

Happy Birthday Kyra,

You are a beautiful little girl, whom we love so much. Every day you make us smile with your creativity and joy for life. You are so excited for school to start in a couple of weeks and have been practicing by filling your backpack and pretending what it will be like in the classroom. You are great with other kids, and love to make friends with other children at the playground. You are social, yet cautious. You love to color and paint, and stay in the lines of a coloring book using only the colors the objects are supposed to be (have been for some time). You love to dress up and play princess with your sister. You make up creative names during role play and love to dance and twirl in your dresses. You are growing up so quickly and at times I can already get a glimpse of the adult in you. We love you and hope this year is full of many more firsts and great discoveries.

Love, Mom


  1. Happy Birthday, Kyra!! Love ya, Aunt Tami

  2. Happy Birthday, Kyra! You look so much older already! That birthday cake looks very yummy, too. I wish I could have had a bite.

    Love you a whole bunch, Grandma Carol.

  3. Happy Birthday! What a cake! We're going to try to call tonight, so hope you'll be there!

  4. Happy Birthday Kyra!

    I thought about you all day today and didn't get to call, but know you were thought of! I remember four years ago, the phone's a girl! Wow how time does fly!
    She looks so beautiful!

  5. Happy Birthday Kyra!! (and great cake, mom!!)

  6. Happy Birthday, Kyra! Wish we could be there to give you four hugs (and share some of your special cake!). We love you!

    -Auntie Aub and Uncle Paul

  7. How sweet is she! Happy Birthday, Kyra.

  8. Happy (very belated) birthday Kyra! Sounds like a heavenly day for her.
