Monday, July 28, 2008

Playing Catch Up

I've always been one of those people that thinks, if you haven't had the opportunity/time/desire to write in your blog, don't worry about it. There's no need to apologize to people or feel guilty for not writing a certain quota for the week, after all life happens! Yet, here I am looking at my blog and feeling compelled to write something because the page has been stuck on Katie's swollen eye for two weeks (just what every one wants to stare at)! Oh well, so much for living by your own advice.

Summer certainly has been going by quickly though, as I'm sure many of you can attest to. We've had our 8th anniversary, family vacation again, party planning, my sister visiting from South Korea to catch up with, children to keep up with (does the energy ever end?). The list goes on. I'm sure I'm not as busy as many, but we certainly haven't had ice cold tea in our hands, watching the sunset go down (well, maybe some of the time). And while I would have loved to write about some of the wonderful memories we have made, or cute comments said by kids in the past two weeks, I think the stories will have to wait another week or so, or just go unsaid and live in our brain bank for the time being. I hope you all are having as wonderful a summer as we have been having, or at least had time to enjoy the beautiful weather from time to time.

See the shining sun.
See us play and run.
Summertime, oh, summertime,
We are having fun.
Watch us as we play.
We play and run all day.
Summertime, oh, summertime,
Please don’t run away.

~Author Unknown~


  1. You beat me to it...I was thinking of writing the same thing! Can't wait to see you guys...again!

  2. We miss you but are here when you're ready to get back in blogging! No worries...

  3. I feel the same way--- summer is flying by and I don't even feel like I have a moment to process the memories before something else is coming up.

    Hope you are doing well. Let's set a date and put it on the calendar.

  4. It sounds like you all are having a wonderfully full summer! The weather has been so great this summer, hasn't it? Even in the midst of moving, we have been trying to enjoy as much time as we can outside.

    I was glad to see a new post from you!!

  5. Nice to "see" you again. I know...only a blogger can understand the need to "explain" this kind of stuff, huh?
