Friday, June 13, 2008

Our New Park

A couple weeks ago, we were sitting down for our usual Saturday morning breakfast (pancakes and sausage made by my hubs), when I asked him what he had planned for the day. Not many summer weekends go by where he doesn't have something planned so I needed his itinerary. Surprisingly he said nothing, and suggested maybe we go to Me*nards to buy 2x4's for a sand pit. I thought it was a great idea. I was thrilled that he suggested it, because lately the girls had been getting pretty bored after say about 15 minutes on their bikes. And although we have many great parks within the vicinity, something else to play in at home would be great. I really wanted a swing set, but we kind of overdid it when we bought all of our living room furniture a couple months back. So off to the store we went!

Of course when we got there, they were having a 12 months interest free sale (they always get ya don't they). So we decided to "just look" at the swing set material. The hubs decided we could probably afford to make a simple A frame swing set. We had some old boards he could use up and would probably just need a couple swings. Of course then I said, well they really use a slide more than a swing, so maybe we should do that instead. One thing led to another and before you know it, we had material for a whole swing set!! I thought at that point we should just buy a kit, thinking that might save time, but the hubs was determined to engineer it all on his own. He already had an idea in his head. There was no stoppin him now! I decided to stay out of his way and let him build, because after all I was getting my swing set.

Needless to say, our simple sand box project had turned into something bigger. But my wonderful man plugged away at it, and finished that baby in 4 days! He even said next year he might add a roof and a few other things. But for now, it suits our needs and the kids LOVE it. I'm sure we'll have some good times this summer having picnics on the deck, races down the slide, and lots of laughs.

This is all it was supposed to be!

The hubs hard at work (and still smiling!)

Who needs a swingset? We should have just invested in a slide and put it on a hill! They seriously had loads of fun, just sliding down the slide on the ground for like an hour.

The final product! Our park (as Kyra calls it)


  1. that's sweet!!! I want to come over and play!! :) Great summer fun ahead I can tell!

  2. It's BEAUTIFUL! I'm super impressed by it, and can't wait to see more pics of the girls having fun on it. Way to go, K!!!

  3. Get out! He made that from scratch? He's amazing. And he's smiling? It's a good thing all around!

    Our swingset has been great during "grouchy" evening hour especially... lots of fun going on. Hope you find it to be the same with you!

  4. oh. wow. that is SO cool! can I come over and play? :)

  5. What a GREAT job! We hope to get one one day in our yard, but there is A LOT of work to do first ;)

    You got a handy man there!

  6. Way to go! It looks great! Can't wait to test it out in July!

  7. Wow - that's awesome! Way to go Hubs!
