Monday, May 12, 2008

"Sending Out An S.O.S."

It was kind of an odd Mother's Day. I spent the last few days in Chicago. You could say the trip away was a little gift from my hubby. I was able to spend the day before Mother's Day with my Mom, and then planned to come home on Sunday so I could spend the special day with my hubby. You see, one of his gifts to me, were tickets to "The Police" concert. I was just a little excited, seeing as how "Sting" is one of my favorite singers. I know, I'm a lucky girl.

Anyway, the night before I left, Katie began to fuss and cough in her sleep. I woke up on Mother's Day only to find out she had a fever and seemed only to get worse. I quickly got in the van, and hoped for the best as I took the 3 1/2 hour trek home to Michigan. Fortunately she slept most of the way (something I was very thankful for, seeing as how she's not the best traveler and I was the lone caregiver in the car). I played out the rest of the day in my head. I would get home, eat lunch, unpack, shower, and prepare for the concert. Wouldn't it be nice if the scenes in our head matched reality? Riiigght. It went a little more like this:

1:00 PM Got home, hubby had made lunch, grocery shopped, and planted all my flower beds while I was gone as another Mother's Day gift (yeahh....he is good!).
1:20 PM Put a very cranky Katie on the couch to watch Baby Ein*stein, took her temperature, while she screamed her way through that- 103.3
1:30 PM Scarfed down lunch, while intermittenly going back and forth to bring drinks, binkies, blankies, etc. to a wimpery little girl.
2:00 PM Consulted the pediatrician as to what I should do, since she seemed short of breath. He said we should take her to a pediatric clinic that didn't open till 5pm (2 hours before our concert).
2:10 PM Contemplated what I should do, since our babysitter was both pregnant, and has a 17 month old. Figured we should give the kids to Grandma and Grandpa instead.
3:00 PM Took a shower, got ready, unpacked a little, sat a little in our new chairs that arrived while I was gone, packed kids pjs and snacks to go to G&G's.
4:30 PM Went to clinic, registered, and Katie vomits all over Dad (who by the way was dressed for the concert).
5:40 PM Doctor diagnosed her with Bronchitis and said she would be no longer contagious after Tuesday!
6:00 PM Made some phone calls to quick decide what to do (G&G don't need bronchitis). My hubs decides he'll stay home. I have to decide who to bring with me to the concert in the next 15 minutes. Two friends are 9 months pregnant, one works on the weekends, one lives 40 minutes away....there was only one friend left to ask (sorry Christy, almost called you). Fortunately, my brother in-law pulled through and said he'd be willing to deal with possible tossing of cookies, wheezing, and crankiness.
6:40 PM Went to 3 pharmacies to get antibiotics, they were all closed. We'll have to get it in the morning. Shot to fast food restaurant for Kyra, and headed out the door.
7:29 PM Arrived at the concert, with one minute to spare!!!!

How appropriate that the first song Sting sang was "Message in a Bottle" a.k.a - "SOS". I felt like I was the one in need of the S.O.S. But we made it. The concert was fabulous. I felt a little young in the crowd, after all I was really going to see Sting, not the whole band, but it was still fabulous. I felt quite guilty leaving our sick little one at home too, but what are you going to do? Sting/Katie/Sting/Katie. I think she forgave me today. And I had my day with her today filled with snuggles and hugs...a true mother's delight. Yes it was a memorable day.


  1. Well, that's a true day-in-the-life-of-a-mom in a nutshell, is it not?? Glad you got to the show and hope your little sweetie is feeling better by now!

  2. Why does it always seem like things like this happen when you have big things planned?! Like Tara said, all in the day of the life of a mom! I'm glad you got to go & have a great time. I hope she's feeling better & I too like Sting!

  3. what a great real mothers day!! I would have bailed you out-- or gone to the concert!! :) I hope she is feeling better!! I can't do this week-- how about next.

  4. Oh goodness what a day for you! I'm so glad you still got to enjoy the concert. You're husband seems so sweet for all he did and was willing to do. What a guy! :) Did you take her G.R.A.P.E.S.? We've had to do that a couple of times now. They really are great down there and SO much faster than the ER!

  5. Wow! What a day! You powered through and I think the Hubs gained major points! Flower beds, too!? Glad you were able to go and have fun! Hope Katie feels better soon!
