Saturday, April 12, 2008


Everyone who has ever had an older brother, knows that they live to torture their younger sisters. They live to play pranks, and love to see the reaction they get from concocting their little ploys. I was no exception. My brother dared me to swing on a rope hanging from a tree that dangled over a lake (knowing full well, that I didn't have the strength to hold on, and would plummet into the water), melted my barbie's hands and feet, and scared my sister and I with a werewolf mask. And unless I stayed on his good side, and planned and schemed with him to torture my sister instead of myself, I was the target of his jokes. I guess it simply goes with the territory of having siblings. Needless to say, one of the things he did that stuck out in my memory was that of the monchhichi incident. Looking back now, it is really quite silly, but I remember being quite traumatized at the time. I had one of those cute little monchhichi's when I was about 4 or 5. It was something I carried around almost everywhere (a security blanket of sorts). Well, the monchhichi's hair came unglued, and when taken off, it looked like a terribly ugly monchhichi. It must of frightened me something fierce because I screamed every time it's hair came off (maybe it looked like an alien or something from the "Night of the Living Dead"). Anyway, my brother must of found that was one of my Achilles heels, and took it off one day while we were traveling in the car. All I remember is him not putting the hair back on, and not being able to calm down (I'm sure my mother was rolling her eyes and wishing for new kids at that moment).

That memory came back full circle today. I was quietly washing the dishes from a nice leisurely breakfast of pancakes and sausage, when Kyra came running in the room all in a fret. I asked her what was wrong and she just stomped her foot and told me in a huffy voice to come see what happened in her bedroom. Now fortunately, she wasn't crying or screaming, but I could tell she was quite distraut. I walked into her bedroom to find this:

Yes, her polly pockets had been mutilated. Only, there was no BIG brother to blame it on, only a small lanky girl with her head cocked to the side, while smiling and batting her beautiful blue eyes. Yes, I can see we have a long road ahead of us.


  1. I admit that I had no idea what a monchhichi was until I read your post. My Little Pony and Strawberry Shortcake, yes, but not monchhichi.

    As long as their are cool toys, there will be siblings to break them. I don't remember ever suffering Barbie destruction, but my brother definitely destroyed some of his own toys. :)

  2. LOL!!! OK, I totally have the monchichi theme song running in my head now.

    I feel your pain - R & A have totally figured out each other's buttons and try to press them EVERY DAY. Yeah, it's fun (note heavy sarcasm). But the sweet moments in between become all the more sweet.

  3. Oh, and I totally have that monchhichi song in my head, too.

    Cute story!

  4. Hold up... we just elected your bro as deacon. Think we'll have another monchhichi incident? :)

  5. i totally had a monchichi & loved it!! This story will not be the last of these tales for you! :)

    Do you want to do coffee this week?

  6. Funny thing...I didn't know there was a monchhichi song!

  7. I'll try to remind him of his erring ways today by making sure he reads this. Maybe you'll get flowers or a new monchichi or something...hehe. I hear you on the pushing the buttons sibling thing...Josh loves to pester Ellie!

  8. Ahhh, those were fun days, weren't they? You turned out all right though. As for me, they're still figuring that out. =)

    Love ya!

  9. I've never even heard of this until your blog! I was fortunate to be the oldest and never experience these things. But, I have 3 boys & sometimes it's very visible to me!!
