Thursday, February 7, 2008

Goodbye Gray Days, Hello Sunshine!

After going on so many vacations this past summer, my husband and I decided to lay low for the winter. We have been trying to save our pennies for a swingset for the girls, school, and extra curriculars for the girls. However, when the hub's parents invited us to stay with them at their time share in Florida for the week, our wheels were a turnin. We began writing out a pro and con list for going. We finally decided that unless we found a really cheap airfare, we wouldn't go. Well, wouldn't you know it, we came across a really cheap airfare! So, other then the cost of our transportation, our trip is virtually free! It was too irresistable to pass up.

We have some wonderful friends who are picking us up at the airport, staying with them a few days, and then going on to the resort where the hub's parents will reside. They have a lazy river, activities for the kids, and cheap eats (because my in-laws will most likely cook meals in the condo most of the time). I'm loving it!

So, I am currently making a checklist of the final things we have to do before leaving for sunny Florida this Saturday. So long for now, hopefully I will have lots of fun stories to share when I get back in a week or so.


  1. If you could see my face it would be green - WITH ENVY!!! So happy that you all can get away - it sounds divine. But you'll have to permit a bit of jealousy, especially with yesterday's snowfall!

  2. don't forget to pack me!!! Have fun!

  3. ooooh, that sounds so great! Have a great time!!

  4. Have a great time! Bring back the sunshine~

  5. Oh Man...I'm so jealous!(in a good way). Sounds like SO much fun! Have a great time.

  6. Woo-hoo!! Sounds like a great vacation. Going to Florida in the middle of winter, for low cost? Does it get much better??

    We haven't really taken the girls on a 'vacation' yet. Just trips to Papa & Nana's during the summer (when we lived in CO, and they lived here.) A few days at a resort with a lazy river sounds like a lot of fun...for mom AND kids.

    Have a WONDERFUL time!!

  7. Have a blast in the SUNSHINE STATE! Enjoy the time with your family!
