Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas Aftermath

Well, it was a great day. I hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas. I think the hubby and I were a little more excited than the kids. We were waiting at least 1/2 hour in bed, listening for signs of Kyra scampering about the house and see all the gifts under the tree, or notice her stocking filled with goodies. Of course, we proved to be the children with ants in our pants in this scenario because Kyra didn't wake up until 8:20am (she almost never sleeps in). Then when she did wake up, she simply sat on the couch and gazed at the tree (she didn't even notice all the presents, I guess she was admiring the finer things). Oh well, that didn't last long. After pointing out the filled stockings, she was pretty much on a high for the rest of the day. It was a joy to see her excited for the holiday, and watch the never ending energy till late at night.

Katie on the otherhand was a different story. On Christmas Eve we found out she had Croup and hence slept very little the night before Christmas (as did her parents). However, I was hopeful that she would take a good long nap before the rest of family arrived. That would be a negative. Whatever the reason, she refused to take a nap, and was a sluggish creature the rest of the evening. She just sat listless in her father's lap, while everyone opened their gifts, without the energy to open her own. I felt so bad for her. I just hope she perks up a bit before we celebrate the next family Christmas.

Despite the one sick child, we had a great time with family. There was lots of laughing, eating, and joy spent in one another's company. I hope everyone else enjoyed the holiday and spent time remembering the little baby king who came to save us from our sins. Merry Christmas.


  1. poor baby!!! I hope she starts feeling better- there is nothing worse than being sick on Christmas, especially as a kid!
    Glad it was good in spite of that!
    we need to do coffee again soon!

  2. Oh, I'm so sorry your daughter wasn't feeling well. I hope she's better now & I'm glad you had a great Christmas with family. Happy New Year!!

  3. I just read your post looking back on 2007. I'm glad that you were able to figure out what was wrong with Katie. I know how a sick child hurts your heart. But I'm thankful that now you know what you can do for her.

    I'm also happy that you had a great Christmas!
