Thursday, October 18, 2007


I have been having trouble blogging again lately, not because of lack of time, but because of lack of things to say. For all of you who journal or blog every day, I commend you and your brain for always having thoughts to put down on paper (computer). Maybe my brain is a little slow (okay don't answer that) or maybe I just think too much and just get stressed with the thought of trying to put my thoughts down, whatever the case....I'm at a block. I originally had plans in finding at least one positive thing to say a day (as to mentally help myself from thinking so negatively). But I have realized that you can't just try and find one positive thing a day, you have to pray about finding those daily pieces of joy too.

Yesterday I was at the park with a friend, complaining about the condition of my house, the whinyness of my girls, etc. I went home thinking, all I did was COMPLAIN! Which doesn't come of much surprise because it is something I do quite well. But I thought, my poor dear friend has to listen to that every time I visit her (she has to be sick of me!) Complaining is a disease and I have to stop it. Shortly after that revelation I read Renee's blog (sorry Renee, I can't link), and was amazed at how far she's come in life after such hardships. She's been through so much, and she is rejoicing!! I knew I had to take a good look at my life and see what I could count as good. So here it goes....

1. I was raised in a Christian household, with a loving family. My parents both worked hard (opposite shifts) so that one of them was always home with us. They took us to church, helped us with homework, and stayed together through thick and thin. My mother is a great encourager, and often looked at the bright side when I was feeling down. My dad went on many walks with my sister and I, and instilled many deep thoughtful questions that truly made us think. They both have always been there for me.
2. I went to a Christian College where I came into so many great friendships, in which I still keep in contact to this day. Although, I did not end up teaching (what I went to school for), I had such a positive experience and met so many empowering people.
3. I have a loving husband. I have a truly wonderful husband (although I fail to see it all the time), who works hard to support his family (and so I can live my dream and be a stay at home mom and not to mention a pretty nice house). He almost always grants my request when I come to him with a honey do list (and doesn't even complain about it). And he listens to me time and time again (like a broken record) when I come to him with hurt feelings of being insecure, inadequate, fat. He is a loving husband.
4. I have two beautiful, healthy girls. With all the crankiness, crying, disobedience, and crazy behavior, my girls are super. Afterall, everyone who raises children deal with these issues (it just may not feel like it when your in the moment). But, to have 2 girls that say the darndest things, have the cutest expressions, and depend on you and love you hopelessly, what more could you ask for. I could not ask for better children.
5. I have wonderful friends. I may not have a lot of friends, but the friends I do have are so dependable, empathetic, wise, open armed, and good for making me laugh.
6. Finally, I have such a loving Father in Heaven above that is there for me whenever I need Him. He hears my every cry, shares my every pain, rejoices in my every triumph.

Yes, I am truly blessed. And any time I forgot that just refer me back to this entry.


  1. Oh, my friend, I have struggled with this too. This has been kind of a crummy week, and so I've not blogged either because I just don't know what to say. Thanks for sharing your blessings - they inspire me to remember my own.

  2. Sarah, thanks for the reminder too of all our blessings! Great post! What a great family picture too on the sidebar. Have a great weekend!

  3. Girl- You inspired me! I wrote a blog b/c of you.

    I get too easily down in the dumps. Thanks for your reminder, woman of faith!

  4. Oh, forgot to mention - I LOVE your new family pics!

  5. Wow, that's quite the post for not having anything to say... (:

    So well written Sarah, I think a lot of us can read what you wrote and feel a similar sense of blessing. Thanks for reminding us. I'm blessed to have you as a friend. (:

    By the way, have you noticed I haven't blogged for a bit either. and that's OKAY. (:

  6. You are blessed! And I love my two little girls too!

  7. Thank you for the great reminder of looking at what we have been blessed with. I too struggle at times thinking of something to blog about, so just know you're not alone!

  8. I love this post. What a great way to look at things!! Sometimes we need to just remember all the blesssings in our seems that it's so much easier to think about the negative.

    And just so you know...I complain all the time!! If I wrote my blogs based on my first ideas, then it would be a pretty depressing blog (sometimes I think it is anyway). I quite often have to remind myself of the blessings in my life, or else I just get stuck in complaining. OR 'venting', as I like to call it. :) So you're most definitely not alone!

  9. You know...that was a GREAT post. What a great idea. I often get so focused on the "whining" about what ISN'T right! Great thoughts.
