Friday, September 14, 2007

A Night on the Town

Last night during dinner, my husband casually asked, "Do you want to go out tonight or tomorrow night?" Come again? He was actually volunteering to watch the kids so I could go out for the evening. Ahh, what a guy. I naturally picked last night, seeing as how it was the warmer of the two nights, and it was also bath night, which meant, I didn't have to give baths!! Whewhew!! Of course, I didn't actually think it through too well, because having little notice, none of my friends were able to do anything. So I ventured out on my own.

I thought I would head to the mall, when it dawned on me...I'll go see a movie! I love movies and my husband, well not so much. He's more the outdoorsy type. So he humors me once in awhile to watch a film, but usually falls asleep. Of course, as I looked to see what was playing the only thing that interested me was Bourne Supremacy and 3:10 to Yuma. Now, even though my hubby isn't usually a movie fan I know he would quite upset if I saw Bourne Supremacy without him so I saw the latter.
I had heard pretty good reviews on this western starring, Russell Crowe and Christian Bale, and it did live up to it's reviews. Crowe was cocky and humorous, Bale was sensitive and humble. They played their parts very well (would you expect any less from the two?) However, there wasn't as many shot um up scenes as I would have thought in a western, and the ending had me conflicted as to if that sort of thing would really happen. But I had a great time and laughed it up in a theater filled mostly with older men. Does nobody like westerns anymore?


  1. Good for you for getting a night out! And, how sweet of your husband to offer! My husband LOVES going to, not so much!

    This sounds interesting! I'm not much of a western fan, but I like both actors in this one!

  2. Wish I lived closer to you - I would have LOVED to go on a "date" with you! Maybe someday... (: Glad you got a little alone time (and out of giving baths, hee hee)

  3. Hey girl! I am "catching up" from my vacation. Looks like you had a great night out. It is so awesome when our hubbies give us a little time off, huh?

    I am not a western fan in general, but I do love the movie, Tombstone :)

  4. Yeah for you! I'm glad that you still went out even though you had to go on your own! Sounds like you had fun!

  5. Both my husband & I LOVE going to fact we love it so much that we invested in a home theater which is in our's like a mini movie theater. BUT, we don't use it nearly as much as we'd like know, 3 small children! :-)But, we've never been too much of western movie fans...but that one actually looks good. Glad you liked it & so glad you got some time alone!
