Monday, August 27, 2007

Birthday Party

This weekend we celebrated my oldest's birthday. She turned 3, and boy was she excited. I think she has been talking about her birthday for about 3 months now. She had grand ideas for her birthday, ranging from getting a zebra (which I happened to get her, only in plastic form) to planting a tree (which would have been a nice idea but we didn't do). Anyway, her birthday was a success.

She had a great time with the cousins, loved her presents, and her cake (thank goodness, because it took me just about 6 hours to make it). When I asked her what her favorite part of her birthday was, she said playing with her cousins. Ahww. We all had a great time. Now if we can only distract her long enough before her next birthday (which she is already planning!)


  1. Love that picture. She is a beautiful girl - such a great shot! That cake is amazing. WOW - no wonder it took hours. Oh, so worth it - you did a great job. She sounds like a wonderful girl. I loved your letter to her.

  2. What a big girl you have on your hands now! So good to hear everything went well on her big day! And what a cake! I can't believe you MADE that! Great Job Sarah!
